Dementia workshops to maintain training

Overcoming barriers at The Future Care Group is all part of our mantra, we would not allow Covid -19 to become an obstacle in keeping our dementia strategy moving forward.

Lead, by Dementia Lead Julie Tayor, we continue to work with the University of Worcester facilitating dementia workshops with the use of technology, rather than face to face.

Our Home Managers’ feedback has been tremendous. During these times of unprecedented challenges in social care, maintaining some element of normality has proven essential in ensuring care home managers feel supported. Whilst much of the country has remained locked down, for many the responsibility of caring for others has meant life must go on as normal as is possible!

Whilst for many residents living in the Future Care homes there has been acceptance and understanding that Covid 19 has meant a change to their day to day living. Others, those living with dementia, have struggled to understand why things have changed.

The workshops have been useful in helping home managers address some of the challenges these circumstances have created.

We feel proud of the dedication shown and the ways our homes have devised to ensure some continuity of care for our residents. Consideration has been given to both their physical and mental well-being. A top priority being the focus on maintaining family contact.

We have recently created safe visiting areas in our gardens which have proven a great success.
For many seeing their loved ones, all be it keeping social distance- could not have come sooner.

We will continue to work hard to create “moments of joy” for our residents and would like you to be reassured that we are working together as a team to support our residents as they face the challenges the impact Covid 19 has had.

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