Nutrition and Hydration Week at Southborough

Join us in celebrating our Southborough kitchen team this “Nutrition and Hydration week 2024”

Chef Jakki shows utmost care and compassion when it comes to our dear residents! Her dedication to providing our residents with the best nutrition and hydration is truly inspiring.

From crafting seasonal menus to whipping up mouthwatering drinks and desserts, Jakki is always finding ways to tantalise taste buds and promote wellness of residents. She makes our Southborough events extra special with a variety of tempting dishes

Our Chef Albin is another great asset to the Southborough kitchen team and always goes above and beyond to bring tasty and nutritious meals to our residents on the weekends and family events! Thank you, Chef Jakki, Albin and the kitchen team for everything you do!

A special shout out to Arun, the longest standing member of our kitchen team who goes the extra mile to make residents happy and ensures they are well hydrated, stocking the hydration station. He even joins in encouraging them during some exercise sessions with Burns Gym

Grateful for a kitchen team that is dedicated to residents’ overall wellness. Happy Nutrition and Hydration week to all!

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