L.O.V.E Award Winner August 2019. Aaron Yap

We are thrilled and delighted to announce the recipient of the first award is Aaron Yap Administrator of Hamilton Nursing Home in Surbiton.

Aaron was nominated by Deputy Manager Andrea Zara under the heading of Care because Aaron continually supports Hamilton. He is himself a keen cook and recently Hamilton was in need of a chef, the home was unable to get cover and Aaron kindly offered to stand in as Chef and covered the shift over the weekend and produced an outstanding roast dinner that everyone in Hamilton loved. Andrea said “ He is really living our values and our home could not do without him.”

Aaron Yap joined our Future care team at Southborough Nursing Home August 2017 as the Social Activities Coordinator. Aaron is the first to admit, that initially he found this role a little daunting as Aaron appreciated the responsibility and challenge of the role. Making a difference everyday to the lives of all residents living in the home, is a big ask! It was apparent very quickly that Aaron was a star and made a big impact.

Aaron said, “supporting residents to make new friends and creating special moments of joy, felt like a privilege.” Aaron quickly came to realise that being part of the Future Care Group was the right company for him and when the opportunity arose for career progression it was with a heavy heart that Aaron made the decision to apply for a new position as he knew, should he be successful he would be moving on and would see much less of the residents and their families who had become so special to him.

No surprise! Aaron was successful in his application as Administrator at Hamilton Nursing Home and has been doing a fabulous job. He continues to support our residents and their families, in a different way, but which is equally as important.

Aarons presence has, had an immediate positive impact, his colleagues, residents and their families really appreciate and love him. So much so, that Aaron was the first recipient of our internal LOVE AWARD, which represents a team member who is Living Our Values Every day. Arnon Rubinstein MD was delighted to be presenting Aaron with the first Love Award as he said “Aaron is exactly the kind of team member we always hope that the Future Care Group will attract. He has a great attitude and a genuine caring heart. He truly believes in our values and is a very worthy winner of the first award.” I can see Aaron in time going a long way with the group.

Aaron said “I honestly look forward to coming into work every single day and I look forward to the next chapter of my career with Future Care.”

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