Winner of the LOVE Award January 2022

Let’s all congratulate Shobha Lakshminarayan, Activities Co-ordinator at Southborough Nursing Home, part of the Future Care Group, for winning our L.O.V.E award! Shobha was presented her award by Georgio, Regional Manager, who thanked Shobha for all her hard work. Not only does she support the residents with amazing activities, Shobha supports the whole home with different tasks. She had created a great ‘Giving Tuesday’ display of beautifully crafted bags for sale. In absence of a home administrator, she was running around, answering the door to all visitors, taking messages and phone calls, helping with documentation. Nothing is too much trouble for Shobha and everything is done with a smile. Thank you, Shobha, you are a wonderful asset to the team! 


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