Beautiful Birthday Surprise at Southborough

Staff at Southborough Care home in Surbiton haven’t let the coronavirus stop residents living at the home share special moments with their loved ones. Audrey, who was celebrating her Birthday had a wonderful day with a celebration birthday cake, lots of cards and an extra special surprise! When her daughter wished her a happy Birthday via video call, Audrey enjoyed every minute and said, “This has been marvellous, and all my friends in the home came to see me and these birthday cards are beautiful.”  Another Resident of the home Derek had a memorable visit from his family along with the family pet Bella. His Daughter, Granddaughter and Bella the dog surprised him with a visit through the window. Derek’s Daughter said, “This is so nice to be able to see him without any crying. This has been great, thank you for looking after my father”. Home manager Portia Nleya said, “I am very proud of my team, they are all working really hard to ensure our residents and their families feel supported through this difficult time. These simple gestures make such a significant difference to the lives of all of us. I know how caring my staff are but seeing the extra effort everyone is managing at this difficult time is heart-warming.”



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