Memory walk at a nursing home near Chichester raises nearly £800 for Alzheimer’s Society

Residents and staff at Kings Lodge Nursing Home in Bosham completed at least one lap around the home’s garden.

The event took place on Saturday, to raise money but to also honour friends and family who have passed away in the last year. 

The activities manager, Kerry-Ann Haley told us, one resident in particular did amazing, Audrey Bliss who managed to do 115 laps. 

The residential home started the fundraiser because “we want a world without dementia”. 

On the JustGiving page (where not all the donations have been stated in the total amount) it states: “Every three minutes someone in the UK develops dementia.

“That’s the equivalent of around 225,000 people every year. By taking part in Memory Walk you are helping us walk for a dementia free future and help people affected by dementia.

“Once you donate, JustGiving will send your money directly to Alzheimer’s Society.

“So it’s the most efficient way to raise money, saving time and cutting costs for the charity. Let’s take on dementia together! Our lovely residents and staff here at Kings Lodge Nursing Home, are joining us this year on a Sponsored walk around our garden to raise money for dementia UK.  

“We are all walking in memory of residents that sadly passed away during lockdown”. 

This article originally appeared on V2Radio.

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