
Race Against Dementia

Family and friends joined Oaklands House residents for the first uplifting singalong of 2023. As it was also Race Against Dementia Day, we incorporated this into our afternoon

Race Against Dementia is a global charity, founded by Formula One racer Sir Jackie Stewart OBE in 2016. Race Against Dementia is driven to raise money to fund breakthrough and innovative dementia research.

Since his wife, Helen, Lady Stewart was diagnosed with front temporal dementia, Sir Jackie Stewart, and his team have been racing to beat dementia with a Formula One attitude, by finding new ways to accelerate research and achieve RAD’s objectives.

Race Against Dementia day always takes place on the 21st of January each year, which is also Lady Stewart ‘s birthday. Lady Stewart ‘s diagnosis inspired Jackie to establish the charity. RAD asks us to get involved by simply doing three things our way. This could be, for example, a 3K run, walk, star jumps, skipping, three jokes etc. We decided that we would sing three songs.  

A lovely afternoon was had singing at the top of our voices and making unique music with our musical instruments. There was much laughter and humorous conversations shared throughout the day. Residents and their families agreed it was a wonderful afternoon and said how much they enjoyed it. We would also like to thank relatives and staff for their very kind donations!

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