The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee party at Steep House

At Steep House, we all had a wonderful day celebrating the Queens’ Jubilee and planting a tree in her honour. Margaret, one of our residents was very excited about this idea and was more than happy to help.
This was followed by an afternoon of singing, provided by Debbie, who sang songs from the 40’s to the 60’s. Our residents and staff had a wonderful time singing along and waving their Union Jacks.
This was a great opportunity for the residents to spend time together – there was lots of chatting between them, clapping and singing. It was a joy to see how many of them interacted with others and enjoyed the day.
Our very busy catering team, led by the lovely chef Sarinya, prepared a feast of party food which we all enjoyed after the entertainment.
Those who were in the rooms were also given a flag and were visited by managers and staff. They too enjoyed the party food and had a chance to hear about the Queen and the Jubilee.


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