World Thinking Day

Girl Guides and Girls Scouts have been marking World Thinking Day since 1926. It remains a day for all Guides and Girl Scouts to think of each other and celebrate their sisters all around the world. Residents at Oaklands were keen to join in and share their stories and memories of being part of the Guide and Scout movements. Some of our residents recognised the badges they collected and the groups they were in, whilst others liked to reminisce of the times they spent camping at Scouts, Brownies and Guides. One of our resident’s mother was a Captain for the Brownies and his dad was a Rover Scout leader. He said he had to go along on the Brownie camping trips as his mum was the leader and he showed us all a lovely picture of himself at the camp. He later went on to become a Home Guard cadet. A great afternoon’s reminiscence was had by all.


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