International Nurses Day 2022

International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world on the 12th of May, the anniversary of the birth of the nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale.
We saluted our nurses, who are the backbone of our healthcare system. On International Nurses Day we wanted to recognise the huge contribution our nurses made caring for the elderly day after day, over the past two years especially! We are and will always remain indebted to our unsung heroes for their dedication and selfless work during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
This special day gave an opportunity for the residents to thank the staff who care for them. Resident Peter at Cedar View Care Centre read a beautiful poem in dedication to our nurses. It was heart-warming and meant so much to all of us. One nurse commented: “I always care from the heart and hearing that my residents appreciate all that I do is the best gift I could ever receive”!
All the nurses across our homes received special thank you cards, flowers, chocolates and other thank you gifts, something just for them to say thank you.
Without our incredible nurses, we wouldn’t be able to offer the service that we’re so proud of.

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